2 years ago when I raced the Motatapu I set the race record so this year the expectation was there for me to beat that record but as it turned out jet lag had really taken it’s toll on me. With far from ideal preparation after landing in NZ only 2 days earlier I realised my legs weren’t up to the task at hand within the first few kilometres but hung in for as long as possible, only to watch the race disappear up the road in front of me hopelessly a few Km’s later. A disappointing day but in hindsight I think I expected too much from my body after arriving home that close to race day spending a whole day and night making frequent trips to the toilet after arriving home due to some dodgy airline food.
In hindsight I probably shouldn’t have raced. Lessons learnt, who knows if I decide to race again next year. It really depends on my schedule and what I value as being worthwhile to my preparation for the big European races or not. My race priorities have drastically changed over the last year and will continue to do so as I head forward. As for now I will spend two weeks at home before heading to Australia to race in the Oceania Mountain Bike Champs in Hobart, Australia on the 31st of March.